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道教长寿的秘密:食养与清静可以增长寿命?The secret to Taoist longevity: Can food and tranquility increase lifespan?

As a treasure of Chinese culture, Taoism's practice method contains a lot of wisdom about longevity. Today, we share a simple and easy Taoist tip on longevity - nourishment and tranquility. These two methods can not only help you maintain physical health, but also promote inner peace and harmony.

道教作为中华文化的瑰宝,其修行方法中蕴含了许多长寿的智慧。今天,我们分享一个简单易行的道教长寿生活小知识——食养与清静。这两个方法不仅能帮助你保持身体健康,还能提升内心的宁静与和谐。 #Art #OtherIndustries #Architecture