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Zhenwu Dadi, also known as Xuanwu Great Emperor, Xuantian God, and Zhenwu Emperor, is one of the most important gods in Chinese Taoism and is often revered as the patron saint and guard general of the north. His image and beliefs are related to the northern Xuanwu (that is, the divine beast entangled with turtles and snakes), so he is also regarded as the god who rules the north and suppresses floods and evil spirits. The origin and legend of Zhenwu Great Emperor, Zhenwu Great Emperor's beliefs originated from the worship of northern Xuanwu in ancient China. In the Taoist system, there are many legends about the origin of Zhenwu Great Emperor. Here are some common sayings: 1. Son of the Emperor: In some Taoist legends, Zhenwu Great Emperor is considered to be the son of the Emperor of Heaven. He was sent down to guard the north, to defend the world against disasters and evil forces. He became enlightened in the world, and eventually ascended to heaven, becoming the god in charge of the north. 2. Cultivation into immortality: Another widely circulated story is that the True Martial Emperor was originally a mortal, and in order to save the common people, he gave up everything in the mortal world and went to Wudang Mountain to cultivate. After a lot of hardships, he finally became an immortal, and was named the "True Martial Emperor", guarding the north and protecting the world. The image of the True Martial Emperor, the image of the True Martial Emperor is usually majestic and solemn. He is often depicted as a martial general wearing black armor, stepping on turtle snakes, and holding swords or magic weapons, symbolizing the divine power to suppress evil and drive away disasters. There is usually a tortoise and a snake at his feet, and the two animals are entangled to symbolize the northern Xuanwu. The belief and influence of Zhenwu Great Emperor, Zhenwu Great Emperor has an important position in Chinese Taoist beliefs, especially in Wudang Mountain, he is venerated as the main god, and many Taoist temples and temples are dedicated to him. Zhenwu Great Emperor is not only the patron saint of Taoism, but also the patron saint of soldiers and generals. Many generals and soldiers will worship him in the hope of gaining courage and strength. In folk beliefs, Zhenwu Great Emperor is regarded as a god who can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters and bless peace. Therefore, in some families, people will also worship the deity of Zhenwu Great Emperor to pray for the safety and health of the family. #History #Sects #Figures #Architecture #Art #Music #Clothing #MartialArts

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The Three Official Emperors, also known as the "Three Officials" or the "Three Yuan Emperors," are significant deities in Chinese Taoism. They are the Heavenly Official, Earth Official, and Water Official, who govern the heavens, earth, and waters, respectively, and are responsible for bestowing blessings, pardoning sins, and alleviating disasters.

1. Heavenly Official: Full title "Heavenly Official Who Bestows Blessings," governs the heavens and is responsible for granting blessings to the human world. His birthday is celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month, known as the "Shangyuan Festival."

2. Earth Official: Full title "Earth Official Who Pardons Sins," governs the earth and is responsible for pardoning sins. His birthday falls on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, called the "Zhongyuan Festival."

3. Water Official: Full title "Water Official Who Alleviates Disasters," governs the waters and is responsible for alleviating calamities. His birthday is on the 15th day of the tenth lunar month, known as the "Xiayuan Festival."

In Taoist belief, the Three Official Emperors symbolize the harmony and order of the heavens, earth, and waters. Their responsibilities cover various aspects of people's lives, making them highly revered and influential among Taoists. During the annual "Three Yuan Festivals," believers conduct rituals and prayers to seek the protection and blessings of the Three Official Emperors.

The worship of the Three Official Emperors has ancient origins, blending elements of Taoism, folk beliefs, and ancient astronomical calendars. This faith has been widely practiced in Chinese folk culture and continues to this day.
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Xiwangmu, also known as the "Golden Mother", "Jade Lake Golden Mother", "Taiyin Golden Mother", etc., is a Muse in ancient Chinese myths and legends, and one of the important gods in Taoism. She is considered to be the head of the female fairy in charge of immortality and immortality. She lives in the Yaochi in the Kunlun Mountains, dominates the Western immortals, and has eternal youth and mysterious power. In the Taoist belief system, the Western Queen Mother is the Muse in charge of the celestial palace and fairyland, and is often regarded as the consort or queen of the emperor. She often appears in mythological stories at Yaochi banquets, entertaining the immortals and bestowing immortal elixirs or fairy peaches. Regarding her image, in the early literature, the Queen Mother of the West was described as a half-human, half-beast with tiger teeth and leopard tails, and later gradually transformed into a dignified, beautiful and noble fairy image. The Queen Mother of the West is an important figure in traditional Chinese culture, often associated with the "Virgin of Yaochi", which symbolizes longevity, happiness and female strength. She is also an important figure in many Taoist sacrificial ceremonies, especially in prayers for longevity, health and harvest.
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Taoist Practice: Seeking Harmony of Body, Mind, and Spirit


Taoism, an integral part of traditional Chinese culture, has a history spanning over two thousand years. It is not just a religious belief but also a way of life and a philosophical system. Taoist practice emphasizes harmony between humans and nature, aiming for the holistic development of body, mind, and spirit. This article explores the fundamental principles, methods, and modern relevance of Taoist practice.

I. Fundamental Principles of Taoist Practice

1. Tao and Te: The core concepts of Taoism are "Tao" (the Way) and "Te" (virtue). Tao is the fundamental law of the universe, the origin of everything; Te is the manifestation of Tao, representing the moral and ethical principles that Taoists strive to follow. Practitioners seek to unify Tao and Te through self-cultivation, achieving harmony with nature.

2. Wu Wei: Taoism advocates "Wu Wei," which means "non-action" or "effortless action." It refers to acting in accordance with the natural flow of the universe without forced effort. Practitioners achieve mental tranquility and life balance by embracing simplicity and detachment from material pursuits.

3. Yin and Yang: Taoism teaches that the universe is composed of two opposing but complementary forces: Yin and Yang. Practitioners aim to balance these forces within themselves, achieving physical and mental harmony. This principle is widely applied in Taoist practices for health and healing.

II. Methods of Taoist Practice

1. Meditation: Meditation is a key method in Taoist practice. Through meditation, practitioners clear their minds, purify their spirits, and enhance inner peace and concentration. Common meditation postures include sitting cross-legged with hands forming specific mudras.

2. Breathing and Qigong: Taoism emphasizes the importance of breathing, believing that proper breath control can regulate the body's vital energy, promoting health and inner balance. Qigong, a practice combining breathing, movement, and intention, strengthens the body and enhances inner energy through regular exercises.

3. Talismans and Mantras: Talismans and mantras in Taoism are believed to possess mystical powers for protection and blessing. Practitioners write and chant these to invoke spiritual support and safeguard against negative influences.

4. Fasting and Prayer: Fasting in Taoist practice is a method of purification, where practitioners abstain from certain foods and desires to cleanse their bodies and minds. Prayer is a means of communicating with deities, expressing wishes, and gratitude, seeking spiritual guidance and support.

III. Modern Relevance of Taoist Practice

1. Physical and Mental Health: Taoist practices like meditation, qigong, and breath control help modern individuals manage stress, improve physical fitness, and promote overall health and balance.

2. Inner Peace: The Taoist principles of Wu Wei and detachment from material desires guide people towards inner peace and freedom, reducing the fixation on materialism and enhancing the quality of life.

3. Ecological Awareness: Taoism’s emphasis on harmony with nature fosters ecological awareness, providing valuable insights for sustainable development in modern society. By respecting natural laws and valuing all forms of life, people can better protect the environment and achieve harmony with nature.


Taoist practice is not only a religious activity but also a philosophy and wisdom for life. Through Taoist practice, individuals seek holistic development of body, mind, and spirit, striving for harmony with nature. In modern society, the methods and principles of Taoist practice remain highly relevant, offering pathways to health, balance, and inner tranquility. This exploration of Taoist practice aims to inspire and guide more people to understand and embrace the profound insights and benefits of this ancient tradition. #History #Art #MartialArts #Clothing #Figures #OtherIndustries

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the Taoist priests will prepare the incense altar and offerings, ensuring that all ritual items are in place. When the ritual begins, the priests will conduct prayers and chants to seek blessings from the deities. Next, the priests will draw and use talismans, which are an essential part of the ritual.
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Lighting the Beacon of Hope, Bringing Peace and Rest to Innocent Children

Dear Friends,

Amidst the smoke and flames of war, sometimes we can only grasp its cruelty through the news. We do not know the acrid smell of gunpowder on the battlefield, the shockwaves of bomb blasts, or the stains of loved ones' blood on our clothes. We have never trembled under the barrel of a gun, nor understood how hunger slowly devours life. Yet, these are the nightmares children in war zones face daily. They carry with them grievances, confusion, and fear, driven from their homes by the merciless hand of war, or worse, taken from this world, leaving behind solitary figures and indelible memories of pain. As you read this article, these children in conflict zones endure unimaginable suffering and despair—their cries, their despair, a silent plea across scorched earth, calling out for our attention, our action.

Therefore, we cordially invite you to join's Taoist public prayer event: "Blessing and Requiem for Children Affected by War," streamed live. Your participation will become an enduring beacon in their lives.

Registration Deadline: June 19, 2024, 12:00 PM (Beijing Time)
Live Stream Platform:

Purpose of the Event:

1. Blessing the Living Children:
In this sacred Taoist ceremony, we will collectively pray for the safety and happiness of children still struggling to survive in conflict zones. Your prayer, your blessing, may be the light a child sees in the darkness. May they rediscover lost smiles and hope amidst the turmoil of war, and may their future be free from fear and tears.

2. Requiem for the Departed Children:
Through solemn Taoist rituals, we will perform requiem rites for innocent children who perished in war. They were once the apple of their mothers' eyes, the joy of their fathers' hearts. Yet their lives were taken by the heartless war. May their souls find peace and rest, sleeping eternally in peace. Let us together light candles in our hearts for them, illuminating their path to heaven.

3. Global Connection, Collective Blessings:
We call upon friends from around the world to light candles in their hearts via the live stream, uniting in prayer and blessings. Every act of kindness converges into a powerful force, reaching these suffering children. Wherever you are, your care and love transcend time and space, warming the hearts of children in hardship.

How to Participate:

1. Click to visit the world's largest official Taoist community website:, for the latest updates and live stream links.

2. Click the live stream link and join the live broadcast during the event time to participate in the Taoist ritual with us.

3. Invite family and friends to join, amplifying our collective strength with more goodwill.

4. Share your blessings in real-time comments; we will convey these blessings to the children.

Focus and Support:

Your attention and support are not just participation in this Taoist ritual event, but also a beacon of hope for these children's future. Each participant's heartfelt intentions will be a ray of sunshine in these children's hearts. Let us act together to make the world a better and more peaceful place.

Contact Information:

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us through the following channels:
- 🌐 Official Taoist community website:
- 📧 Email Address:
- 📱 WhatsApp: +852 4607 1962

We look forward to your participation! Let us join hands and hearts to send the sincerest blessings and hope to children affected by war. Your compassion will warm this wounded land. Let us illuminate the future of these innocent lives by lighting the candles of love on this special night.
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Taoist clothing refers to the clothing worn by Taoists and belongs to the traditional clothing system of the Han nationality. It is also called "Fa Fu", "Dao Fu", "Dao Zhuang" and so on. Taoist clothing is the traditional clothing of the Han nationality in China. Social clothing has changed frequently with the development of the times, but the basic style and color of religious clothing remain unchanged, and have been passed down from generation to generation. According to the teachings of Taoism, Taoist clothing symbolizes the混元 Qi.
Some typical Taoist clothing includes:
Fa Fu: This is the clothing worn by Taoist gods, high priests, and mages in the ritual of Zhai Jiao. Taoist Fa Fu originated from the clothing regulations of ancient Chinese sacrifice rituals, and is also related to the teachings and ideological thoughts of Taoism and the changing times of clothing.
Yuan Jin: It symbolizes the混元 Yi Qi and is a headdress for Taoist mages.
It should be noted that the length of Taoist clothing production and the number of styles of slits vary, and each has its own standard, so it is called Fa Fu.
Up to now, Taoist clothing has become an important symbolic religious and cultural heritage in China.

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